Your house is a hotdog. Do you really know what’s in it?

Think about it. We all know what houses are. Every little kid can draw a house. A house is a house. Isn’t it?

You know what your house is, but, do you really know what’s in it? What it’s made of? How it works?

Well, I hope that this blog will answer some of those questions you’ve always had about your house and maybe get you thinking about some more.

The first installment is about safety glass, what it is, how it’s made (briefly), and where you need it. I know, it sounds boring, but even the pros get it wrong. I’m polishing it over the next few days and hope to have it out soon.

In the mean time if you have a burning question about your hotdog…er, house, drop me a line in the comments and I’ll do my best to let you know what’s in it.
